Friday, March 30, 2012

Topeka Zoo

While my mom was here for Spring Break we went to the Topeka Zoo.  After four straight days of rain we were ready for some outside time!!

 I'm hungry - gimme some food :)

Baby Shower

My wonderful friends here in Manhattan threw me an awesome baby shower last weekend!  Thank you so much Debby, Robin and Shauna!!  I have some amazing friends!

Here are some pictures from the shower:

 I got to keep all the cute outfits that were on the clothes line - thanks Robin and Shauna!
 I was so excited that my Mom got to come to the shower.
 Getting bigger - one more day till 28 weeks
 Yummy food!
 Can't wait to try this out - thanks Shauna!
 Such a pretty dress - thanks Debby!
 My sister made me the cutest stuff - thanks Megan!
 Robin- I am loving this outfit - Thanks!
 I think this present will be great for Mike - he is going to have a blast figuring it out- thanks Jeff and Barb
 I love this seat - had one for my two boys and now a new one for my girl!  Thanks Katie and Danny
These "cupcakes" are sooo cute!  I don't want to take them apart so they are going to be used as decoration! Thanks Ashley and Nate

Sunday, March 4, 2012


A big huge congratulations to my sister Megan, brother-in-law Eric and big sister Leighton on their new addition!!  Baby boy Grayler Everett Nakpil born on March 1, 2012!

So excited for all of you!!

Its a Girl!

And baby makes - gulp - 5
Its a Girl!!

Here is an ultrasound picture from 20 weeks (I am starting week 25 tomorrow)  and some pictures from when Mike was home for the long weekend last month.  The boys are super excited about getting a baby sister!  Mike and I are super excited about it too!!  Due June 17, 2012