Thursday, July 26, 2012

Galina is 1 month old!

Time really does fly by!  It has been an interesting, scary, fun and rewarding first month with Galina.  I will post later about the scary trip to the hospital when she was 24 days old.  Until then here are some pictures from her 1 month "birthday".

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More pictures of the family

Some more pictures from July 2012

Galina's First Bath

Here are some pictures from Galina's first bath.  She didn't really like it, but she was also hungry so that probably had something to do with all the screaming!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day trip to Corpus Christi

The kids and I went to Corpus Christ for the day yesterday.  We got to visit with family and go to the beach.  The boys had an awesome time.

 Great Aunt Selina and Galina
 Great Aunt Starla
 Great Aunt Tina

 Great Uncle A.P.
 Holding a fish

 All the sisters - minus Judy (I am standing in for her)

Great Aunt Soraya and Della

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Galina Markham Lee Franz

It has been forever since I have written anything on this blog.  We are all moved into our house in San Antonio, Texas and now have a new addition to the family.

Here are some of the first pictures of Galina Markham Lee Franz, born 25 June 2012 at 9:19 am, 9 lbs 12 oz and 20.5 inches long.

 Super proud big brothers!
 Papa and his newest granddaughter.
 Grandma and Galina.
 Oma and Galina.
 I'm going home with my daddy!
 Me and Galina.