Just a few pictures to catch you up on the past few months...
Mike's backyard project - put up a very nice looking pergola
Then we added a planter all around the back of the house
It looks so great!
Beautiful Kansas fall day.
Cruising! Me in San Juan - the day before we left on our 7 night cruise of the Caribbean. We had a wonderful time. So thankful that my parents were able to come and watch the boys for us. What a great adults only vacation!
1st formal night on the ship.
In Barbados
We though the boys would get a kick out of seeing Mike with the pirate flags.
At the ruins of a fort on St Maarten
St Croix
At the pumpkin patch
They had great games to play at the pumpkin patch - shooting the targets
I just love this family photo!
So that was a quick recap of the months of Sept and Oct of 2011. I will try to update a little more often - no promises though!